Domain intelligence : Missing info on Uniregistry Market a glitch or a feature?

Happy New Year. We're getting closer to NamesCon 2017; during the domain conference, Uniregistry will be announcing its Uniregistry Market app, and lots of new features for its existing web and app platforms. It seems that DNS, the Domain Name Sales platform that served me and hundreds of … [Read more...]

Domain inquiries : Not every CEO is an “arsehole,” but this one is

A startup I worked for many moons ago, thrived on the firecracker personality of its CEO, a Kiwi expatriate. The guy was highly demanding, but was also a good listener that could tell BS and well-documented arguments apart. It wasn't random that despite several rounds of layoffs, I remained with … [Read more...]

Responding to Domain Name Sales inquiries can be a challenge at times

Not all inquiries at Domain Name Sales lead to a positive, constructive exchange. Let's face it: every impersonal communication can deviate from the rules and principles of "in person" exchange. The use of email can trigger responses that can be misconstrued by either party, thus leading to an … [Read more...]

Are you on vacation?

Those of us that utilize Domain Name Sales brokers, often speak with amazement about their effectiveness to reach out and complete domain sales on our behalf. Each DNS broker has their own distinct style in responding, and adjusts it according to the inquiry's particulars. I keep a close watch … [Read more...]

NamesCon chatter: Uniregistry listens

The presence of Uniregistry at NamesCon was not decorative; the 17+ staff members were there to listen to both customers and non customers, and improve both the registry and the DNS platform. Jeff Gabriel, VP of Sales at Domain Name Sales delivered a powerful presentation at NamesCon. Some called … [Read more...]