Your 1st domain acquisition attempt might be your last

If you're actively acquiring domains, take notice. As an active domain investor, I dislike both lowballing attempts, and time-wasting scenarios that do not complete within a reasonable amount of time. Acquiring a domain name isn't science. We both agree on a price, and move forward with … [Read more...]

Domain inquiries from unqualified buyers

In recent weeks, there seems to be an increase in domain inquiries placed by unqualified buyers. By "unqualified buyers" I'm not referring to the barrage of spam that arrives from a well-known source with fake female identities. The domain inquiries I'm talking about are placed by prospective … [Read more...]

Are you competing against yourself?

Last week I bid on a domain at Flippa; the seller had set a reserve on it, which is a smart move. No one else was bidding on the domain and I decided to max out my budget, as my tax refund was generous this year. After several attempts to meet the reserve, the auction ended. Later that day, I … [Read more...]

The Client, the Buyer, the Broker and his Seller

It's a complex domaining world that we live in; many roles are interconnected, and quite often byzantine plots enrich its very foundations. While anyone can proclaim to be a domain investor overnight, it takes years of hard work to set the foundation leading to success. These days, the … [Read more...]

Pickles and Dicks : Flippa hump day special

I almost bid on Shane Cultra's domain auction of earlier today; but I got distracted by some late evening BBQ'ing. It's a great brandable domain, and I just might have a potential buyer for Shane - if only he picked up the phone to return my calls. Making $6k versus $600 should be a … [Read more...]