My one and only XYZ domain

There has been a lot of controversy recently about 'XYZ' domain names. The criticism primarily arises not from the gTLD itself, but rather from the artificially inflated metrics - all thanks to an apparent XYZ agreement with Network Solutions. While this argument has been brought to the domain … [Read more...]

‘I hate your business model’

I will not sugar-coat it: we are being hated upon, potentially by the entire world outside our little industry. Domain investing is an open industry where anything goes; speculators, short term tasters, flippers, agonized penny stock traders, long term betters - anyone and their mother can become … [Read more...]

Moniker exodus: An update

After the Moniker issues of last week, I was able to transfer my last remaining domain there, to Uniregistry. It took 5 days, and the domain still shows in my Moniker account. Moniker always had issues with syncing its system to the Registry, so I'm left with a 'ghost' domain that's already … [Read more...]

New gTLDs are not like candy

There is an ongoing obsession with gTLD numbers, that needs some debunking. According to several web sites that track the number of gTLD registrations, the total numbers now exceed one million gTLD domains. That's like saying that WalMart offers 1,000,000 different types of candy - which is as … [Read more...]

Thank you, Veterans

Today's day marks the 70th anniversary of D-Day; the decisive moment in history that changed the route of World War II. Although other battles cost many more lives, the beachhead of D-Day allowed the Allies to shrink the stronghold of the powers of the Axis and begin the liberation of … [Read more...]