What is at stake after the Sedo intrusion incident

On Saturday, I reported a potential glitch at Sedo that might have generated emails sent to existing users, asking them to confirm their accounts. Today, Sedo announced in an email, that the welcome email was the result of an intruder to the Sedo web site. The notification email from Sedo … [Read more...]

Did Sedo mass-email old accounts due to a glitch?

Having been a Sedo account holder for a decade, I still use their services to acquire domain names listed on the Sedo marketplace. That being said, I am no longer selling domains on Sedo, due to a strategic decision to move my domains over to Domain Name Sales. Today, I received an email from … [Read more...]

Time to invest in Greece: My second five figure domain sale with DNS

It's not a secret that I've absolutely been raving about Frank Schilling's Domain Name Sales platform, ever since I moved my domain portfolio there from Sedo in late 2012. Last November, I announced the completion of my first five figure sale with Domain Name Sales, that of a four letter … [Read more...]

Domain blogs I follow daily

Blogging is a practice dependent on its creator's ability and willingness to share content publicly. It also depends on their availability to deliver and share such content, so it's not necessarily an activity that occurs daily. I began blogging in 2005 on subjects unrelated to domains, as a … [Read more...]

If at first you don’t succeed, have a relative inquire

Whenever I receive inquiries for domains, the price quoted is custom-tailored to the person that inquires. They also come with a 7-day commitment to that price; anything past that, I cannot honor. An inquiry that I received ten days ago, ended with the understanding that the person would look … [Read more...]