Can you follow simple required domain specifications?

As a domain buyer, I’m often amazed by how easily people fail to follow my asking requirements.

It doesn’t matter how detailed I can get with my specifications – and I’m rather detailed every time – there will always be a group of people that either don’t read or fail to comprehend what I’m asking.

Being specific about the characteristics of a domain that I’m about to acquire is very important, both to me and to the seller.

I don’t want to wade through dozens of emails or messages offering me domains that don’t match what I want. Simply put, I respond to every email and inquiry that I solicited, and sometimes I have to shake my head in disbelief of how far from what I asked those offers turn up to be.

Here are a couple of pointers to how I handle my specifications and requirements:

Budget: when I set my budget range, receiving offers for domains that exceed my comfort zone shows that you can’t read numbers well. Sure, if you’re asking for $10-$20 more I might consider, but beyond that it’s not going to catch my attention, even if the domain is a gem. Setting a budget means I will only invest this much.

Keywords: when I specify certain keywords, don’t invent a new dictionary word in order to convince me of relativity. Most of the time, creative words aren’t befitting but it really depends on how my expert eyes see a particular domain’s potential. I’m not a newbie and I’ve turned many $30-$100 acquisitions to four and five figure sales.

Overall quality: when I ask for positive, usable domains that means that any negative or upsetting elements in a domain will make me turn it down. Save both your time and mine by providing exactly what I need; don’t just send me a domain just because it matches what I asked for by 50%.

And finally, don’t be upset if I don’t buy your domain, even if you think it’s a steal at your asking price, or if you think it’s the best domain in the world. I’m here to conduct business and not to stroke your ego. Likewise, I will tell you why the domain doesn’t fit my purpose, so that next time you will be a bit more detail-oriented with my asking specifications.

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  1. Happens all the time with domain wanted threads Theo. I never understood it. The thread says .com only and people are like here is a good .net or .info.

    I believe that domain wanted threads are the comedy of the industry both from sellers and some who start threads. Threads like looking for 3 letter .com budget $1000. Or single word budget x to xx.

  2. “I believe that domain wanted threads are the comedy of the industry both from sellers and some who start threads. Threads like looking for 3 letter .com budget $1000. Or single word budget x to xx.”

    Some people just have mighty big dreams.

  3. The domain industry is becoming so competitive that I suppose people are getting desperate to sell whatever they have. I have seen people sending irrelevant domains without even reading the requirements and even saying, “this is the best you can get”.

  4. Just say,

    Take It or Leave It !

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