Don’t forget to thank yourself

Congratulations, you made it to the end of yet another year!

While the exact date is of little significance on a personal level, it’s important on a global one.

New Year’s Day is a landmark, a starting point, a chequered flag for the 365-day race that follows. The day before, is usually dedicated to introspection, parties and plans for the year ahead.

No matter how much you owe to others, your annual thank you list should include one important person: yourself.

The bottom line is, that you have only yourself to blame for your failures, and to congratulate for your success in life. The final decisions, are made by you; your own self controls your personal and professional destiny.

So don’t forget to thank yourself for your success, and to use the knowledge you gained through the year to your benefit; propelling yourself onward and upward.

Happy New Year!


  1. That is very well put. We often forget to appreciate ourselves. We are all quick to put ourselves down by comparing ourselves to the success or position in life of others.
    By recognising and acknowledging your own success you free yourself from the grip of societal expectations.
    Thanks for your posts this last year I read them all and will contribute and comment more in 2013. All the best for yhe New Year.

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