Final update: 4,000 WHOIS Queries

I promised I’d come back with the final results of an extraordinary WHOIS onslaught to one of my domains.

The domain has very little traffic otherwise, about 45 uniques in the past 30 days and it’s parked at Sedo. I only had one offer for it in the past.

However, it seems that it made the top tier in various drop-catching lists, due to its quality keywords, or perhaps due to some obsessive list operator.

I let the domain go into expiration for a week, during which time the WHOIS queries jumped to a little over 4,000 total. That is truly extraordinary as I don’t own any other domain that reached 4-figures in WHOIS queries that I’m aware of.

To those of you that are curious to know the name of the domain:


  1. So what’s the deal Acro? Do you plan to drum interest on the drop lists and then renew in the hope that someone has taken the bait and makes an offer?

  2. Jim – There’s no “deal”. I simply reported on an oddity that stuck out by a mile 🙂 The domain was renewed as soon as the experiment ended.

  3. How can you tell how many whois inquiries were
    made for that particular name?

  4. I like your experiment. Nicely done.

  5. Alan – did you read the linked posts?

  6. Poor Uncle – thanks. It was definitely worth analyzing.

  7. very cool experiment – and Im sure this is going to spark a deal. That’s an extremely high whois search

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