Friday: The wasteful day of the week

I dislike Fridays.

Friday is that day of the week when things slow down, for no real reason.

In a global economy, things move fast, 24/7 and there is little reason to curb one’s momentum.

Fridays in the US are the days that predate the weekend. Quite naturally, work is done sloppily, carelessly and in a rush in order to make it to the corporate ‘happy hour.’


While people need physical and mental breaks from work, Fridays lead to a downhill slip of production. Domain inquiries don’t get answered, decisions are postponed ‘for next week’; come Monday, the rush to undo what was broken and to do what wasn’t done on Friday creates plenty of chaos.

So get things done, regardless of the day of the week. Especially, on a Friday.



  1. domainggg says

    don’t agree with you, just got an inquiry today and deal is already closed,

    I like fridays, not because of “Rebecca Black”,
    because I am a big fan of “friday release movies”, I am a big filmy guy

    going to hollywood!!!

  2. I dislike Fridays too, because it means a lot of the shops I want to visit are going to be closed over the weekend!

    We don’t have late night trading like you guys (apart from Thursday when stores commonly close at 8-9). Every other weekday, come 5pm, everything’s shut.

    It was so much easier living in the US and being able to do your groceries whenever you wanted to, even at 1am when you’re on a productivity-roll!

  3. I don’t agree that people do sloppy work on fridays. They may not want to take on new projects on a friday. Friday’s a day to wrap up all the outstanding tasks for the week. I am most productive on fridays..actually..because I know if I don’t get something done on friday…it won’t get done for another 3 days.

    I tell my son….there is a time to work, a time to play, a time to rest, eat, and a time to sleep.

    Fridays is one of those little thing that make life a little bit more bearable, something to look forward to.

    Don’t be too harsh, Acro. These days my standard are quite low – if you can manage to get out of bed, get dressed, fight the traffic, and get to work in one piece..I am pretty impressed with you already. And, I am not kidding.

  4. That’s exactly what the post is about: expecting Fridays to be normal, per your own schedule; then watching as others involved drag their virtual feet 😀

    Poor Uncle – working for myself has its benefits: no traffic from the bedroom to the kitchen to the office 😀

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