Pool.com resolves domain transition to my satisfaction

After receiving an email from Pool.com yesterday regarding the transition of domains managed by Pool.com registrars, I consider the matter closed.

Thus, I have notified BBB that the matter has been resolved to my satisfaction, as Richard Schreier, CEO of Pool.com, personally assured me that the matter is under control.

The updated statement that I sent to the Better Business Bureau about the case, was as follows:

Mr. Schreier communicated with me directly on the subject of transitioning the domains to a new, manageable account. At this point, I consider his response and actions satisfactory and looking forward to completing the transition, as explained in the private communication. Thank you.

It is refreshing seeing that Pool responded swiftly and positively and worked with ICANN to quickly assign an adoptive registrar – NamesBeyond – for the domains. Also, I must point out that Mr. Schreier handled my then justified frustration very professionally. It definitely updates my view of the company as “very worthy” to conduct business in the future with.


  1. Would you advise us to contact Richard Schreier as we are still awaiting access to the control panel at NAMESBEYOND.com to manage our names (currently/previously at NameScout.com) ?

  2. Federer – Yes, by all means, unless you can sit tight for a few more days until the user credentials arrive.

  3. You wouldn’t have an email handy or a direct line, would you (to save time)?

  4. Would anyone who’ve been contacted by Namesbeyond or Goodluckdomains regarding the transfer, update here please?
    Does the 60 day transfer out begin with the pool.com capture or this ICANN authorized transfer?

  5. Mark – You will notice that your domains are now at NamesBeyond. I believe that the 60 day window starts now.

    According to Richard Schreier, by “end of business day [NamesBeyond] will have contacted all customers they have inherited as a result of gaining the inventory.”

  6. Hi Acro thanks for your reply.

    I can see whois reflecting the change in registrar name 3 days ago.

    I have not been contacted by NamesBeyond (or their sister company?) Goodluckdomains at all yet (certainly not by ‘end of business day’ as mentioned by Mr. Schreier).

    I think ICANN should have given individual users the choice to transfer in to a registrar of their own liking.

    Have you received any mail from NamesBeyond regarding this?

  7. If anyone is encountering any issues in dealing with NAmesBeyond, please contact me (richard@pool.com) and I will do my best to help out.

    Richard Schreier

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