Have a prosperous New Year!

The year’s about to change on the calendar, and that’s when one typically gathers their thoughts on the previous 364 days that passed.

For 2014, I’m grateful for the people that made a change in this world; friends, relatives, associates and colleagues that shared love and support with each other.

Every year that passes by leaves its unique mark in one’s life, and I’m glad that this year offered challenges that were dealt with successfully.

Professionally speaking, 2014 had a strong start with NamesCon, that provided a solid platform to build relationships and ventures on. Interacting with the bright and the open-minded, those that appreciate challenges and think outside the box, is the only way to succeed and prosper. Conservatism and negativity have no place in one’s busy year; these should be flushed down like bathroom water.

At the same time, happiness isn’t defined by the amount of money one makes, so keep that in mind when you count the beans. Sharing one’s wealth is an acquired taste, and donating to the needy or those that find themselves in an unfortunate situation due to circumstance is something you should try ascribing to.

Here’s hoping that 2015 will be better for everyone, to live our lives constructively, positively, and with more understanding of each other and to succeed in discovering what makes us a little bit more humane than the year that ends.

Have a prosperous and healthy new year.



  1. For a 2015 better than our expectations!
    Καλή χρονιά Theo! 🙂

  2. Thank you Andrea 😀 Felice Anno Nuovo!

  3. Happy new year, Theo!

  4. Happy new year Michael! All the best!

  5. I always enjoy your thoughtful posts Theo. Have a good year.

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