Protecting your virtual assets

Remember that high school kid that used to break into everyone's lockers to steal your stuff? Guess what, he's now an adult and he still steals - only this time, it's your virtual assets he's after: your domains, your emails, access to your bank and credit card accounts. This kid simply changed … [Read more...]

The fallacy of anonymity: Cowards on the Net

I was in the second grade at school, when a 10 drachma coin dropped from the pocket of a girl that was chasing me in the playground. Girls chased me ever since because I was sweet towards them - hence, an easy prey. I picked up the coin, laughed at how she failed to catch me and gave it back to … [Read more...]

The young entrepreneurs – a boon or a menace?

At the age of 15, I was the typical teenager: doing minimal effort at school, hanging out with friends, trying to impress girlfriends. There were no computers, no cellphones, no Internet to play video games - we hang out at the arcade, feeding coins to the game machines. We had time to go on trips … [Read more...]