GoDaddy brokerage offers make little business sense

When someone looks up a domain through GoDaddy for availability and it's taken, they are presented with an option to make an offer to the domain's owner. GoDaddy emails the owner and indicates that one of their customers wants that particular domain name. The email does not disclose what the … [Read more...]

Perfect numbers revisited

While there is a trend that treats every numeric domain as a coin of sorts, the truth is that not all numbers are created equal. In the course of a decade, I've invested in a limited amount of numeric domains in the original three TLDs, perhaps no more than 25 in total, maybe less. Selective … [Read more...]

Offers made around a domain’s expiration date

Over the course of more than a decade in active domain investing, I've experienced that a lot of inquiries are made around the time of a domain's expiration date. There are several reasons why this happens, and here's what I've found the most important ones to be: The inquiries are made by … [Read more...]

Down with Facebook, get your own domain names!

Facebook has been up and down more often than an Essex girl's knickers, to quote a British joke. Many businesses were drawn into utilizing Facebook as their sole outlet to conduct transactions, all thanks to the easy - and downright plain - creation of content. Facebook's reach is remarkable, … [Read more...]

My TRAFFIC 2014 / Miami nominations

Being nominated is often more important than winning an award. I didn't come up with this remarkable observation, Frank Schilling did - despite winning the Domainer of the Year award three times at TRAFFIC. Nomination is an indication of appreciation, a floating pointer above one's virtual head … [Read more...]