TRAFFIC / Orlando – Pictures from Day 2

Unfortunately, due to other obligations I will not be attending Day 3 of TRAFFIC but I will be present at the party at 8pm. I will leave it to the very competent hands of Ron Jackson to cover this day at DNJournal. 🙂

Needless to say that in the evening of a very active day we had the chance to unwind, drink and socialize at the Irish pub at Pleasure Island. Some of us stayed until the wee hours of the night, dancing or… pissing the night away.

I’ll continue my unofficial reporting of TRAFFIC tomorrow, with Day 4 of the conference.

Here are some pictures from Day 2!


  1. Theo….

    Great pics and updates from TRAFFIC!


  2. Francois says

    Hey, that’s great to put a face in front a name 🙂

    Thanks again for all the TRAFFIC coverage!

  3. You’re welcome guys 🙂 I met so many wonderful people in the past two days that it’s impossible to summarize everything!

  4. Excellent day-1 and day-2 photos and coverage Theo.

    It’s about time Ron Jackson had some competition 🙂

  5. Hey Theo …. excellent coverage dude.. but we seriously wish to knw abt dat 3 also . So, if u r not attending the day 3, plz plz get some info, or may be post the Ron jacksons report or a link to that day 3 page …..

    Thnkx a million

  6. any1 else, from our regular readers can also do this…. any1 who can post a link to day 3 happenings , plzzzzzzzz

  7. Nice pics.

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