The domain blog of Mike Berkens has been voted by the TRAFFIC attendees as the “best domain blog” for 2011.
That’s probably fair and square, given the amount of daily traffic commands.
Mike seems to put a continuous effort into it, publishing a variety of daily content. He has found what works well with the domain industry’s readership and provides that info in a daily, well-packaged format.
I’ve never met Mike in person but I’ve met his blog trolls.
I’m referring to the stream of anonymous commentators that Mike allows through, some of which range from the silly to the downright insulting, to those that make false allegations.
Thankfully, Elliot Silver – who was also nominated for blogger of the year at TRAFFIC – started clipping those trolling retards a few months ago.
When you give a troll commentator the opportunity to engage in a conversation alongside decent debaters who use an actual, active domain as a signature, the quality and level of discussion drops dramatically.
Mike Berkens also possesses a sense of humor – a rarity in today’s niche market of domaining.
I’m not going to tell Mike how to run his blog. It’s the ‘best domain blog’ as it is, so why ruin that. But it’d be really substantial if comment trolls were evicted, to allow the rest of us engage in fruitful debates versus endless pissing contests marred by white noise.
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