What’s happening on Twitter, Klout and Pinterest

When I use services like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest I sign up with the purpose of utilizing the resources they provide.

Not all social media are suitable for every function; and some are catering more to personal versus professional use.

Although I tweak their settings to minimize my receipt of unwanted spam, there is one type of notifications that I despise: that of “here’s what’s happening at …”

It seems that every service has its own list of updates, and I have no problem with emails sent about improvements or additions, or even requests for feedback.

But the daily or weekly summaries about my activity or that of others that I follow, leaves me uninterested.

For now, I have resorted to marking them as spam, leading those notifications to my spam box, until I decide to go through them en masse.

When using social media services, being able to turn off certain types of notifications earns more Klout from me, which I duly Pin and Tweet about. 😀

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