Domain inquiries: Is being nice a sign of weakness?

It’s been 20 years since my first domain sale took place in the summer of 2000, and boy, do I feel like it was yesterday.

Despite not using any type of escrow and receiving a check from overseas in exchange for the domain, that first experience was a smooth event.

The reason: I was dealing with professionals that ran a digital services company, and not some self-entitled schmuck that seeks to hop onto .com from a lesser TLD.

Self-entitlement from buyers is the #1 reason domain investors get aggravated and lose their ability to communicate well. Being nice is an art, and when buyers demonstrate an asinine attitude, the seller quickly resorts to making self-defensive statements.

Being nice isn’t a sign of weakness, but it’s getting harder to remain calm when a domain inquiry blasts demands in your face.

One recent inquiry quickly switched from blaming the Covid-19 pandemic’s effect on the economy, to a demand for me to “settle for $40” – or exactly 200 times less than the asking price. I quickly reminded the other party that settling is a legal term, so what were his claims exactly?

While I can still remain calm and in control of the exchange, I do have my disengage point. Insults or demands are met with a declaration of “you are not our target customer” and a firm goodbye. Further attempts to override this communication barrier result in a complete filtration of future emails.

By all means be nice, but also set your boundaries – ending the conversation the moment your domain asset or yourself are disrespected.

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