We all have pet peeves; some are personal, others are related to one’s professional behavior towards other professionals.
The issue of courtesy response – or lack thereof – is one of my pet peeves.
When someone solicits domain offers by inviting emails or private messages, it’s considered courtesy – not to mention, good manners – to respond, even if it is a short message that they have no interest in what you offered.
Essentially, when someone initiates or invites you to search, locate and identify a list of domain names from your portfolio that match their selective criteria, their lack or response qualifies them as “domainer asses“.
Don’t be a domainer ass; your time responding is as precious as mine.
hehehe… you said ass. you can’t say ass on the internet.
I have to disagree with this, sometimes I post saying I am buying high-quality domains for low cost, only interested in something really wanting liquidity. Usually I get bombarded with messages, 100 or more. I always end up buying something.
That said I will keep your post in mind and note that I will only be responding if interested.
Otherwise I find it just ends up in a back and forth with someone trying to negotiate the price.
I couldn’t agree more. People (I’ve heard of a few over at domaining.com) that don’t have the courtesy to respond (even if it only is a “No thanks”) need to get a reality check.
I’m pretty sure nobody cares if they have schedule that keeps them busy 24/7. If they ask for domain offers, respond! Everything else is just a complete lack of professionalism.
I agree 150% As a seller, often it takes time to go through a portfolio, picking out the right names someone is looking for with all their prerequisite stipulations: age of domain, proper extension, category, word count, letter count, none of this, none of that, etc and then send that to the buyer looking for the name. On the buyers side, it takes no time at all to be courteous and simply say “No thanks”
No response is the same as saying “I’ll be nice to you and respond if I’m interested; Otherwise, you’re not worth my time to even acknowledge your efforts.”
I don’t necessarily agree, the potential buyer might get dozens of posts, PM’s and emails to sift through. When I send one or more domains to those types of requests, I usually forget about it and only expect to hear back if they’re interested. Best to submit your domains and move on to the next thing.