Oh, to be a cybersquatter!

Fridays are the best days of the week to stretch and ponder about recent events and arguments. They are also probably the worst days to take things seriously; with the weekend ahead of us, domain investors can afford to squeeze some humor into serious matters about domains. 🙂

The ‘cybersquatter‘ references in the seemingly light-hearted discussion between the .CO CEO and the LeWeb CEO, reminded me how much I miss Chef Patrick’s couch videos, with buxom Model Mayhem cuties. The domain industry has been taking itself far too seriously and that’s why at some point I started writing for DomainGang.com

Of course, nobody wants to be called a cybersquatter, when they aren’t. But those that do perform the cybersquatting pirouette on a daily basis, have little reason to scream ‘murder‘. In other words, the term ‘cybersquatter’ still applies to those that do just that, whether they admit it or not. That’s why domain investing still carries a stigma in online dictionaries and Wikipedia.

But fret not.

The compound word, after all, contains the beautifully crafted ‘cyber‘ part that author William Gibson brought to millions of his fans through cyberpunk novels.

Domain investors can thus benefit a lot from reading science fiction stories, and that’s yet another reference to Patrick Ruddell.



  1. Wait, you write for Domaingang.com?

  2. I miss the days when I had time to do this fun stuff. I’d do one now, but switched to Apple and have no idea how to edit. And no interest in learning, lol.

  3. Come on, Patrick, you can do it 😀 TGIF!

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