Perfect numbers revisited

While there is a trend that treats every numeric domain as a coin of sorts, the truth is that not all numbers are created equal. In the course of a decade, I've invested in a limited amount of numeric domains in the original three TLDs, perhaps no more than 25 in total, maybe less. Selective … [Read more...]

Grassroots movements move any industry forward

The propelling force of any industry, domaining included, is the people that form it. Beyond any unions, organizations, associations and clubs, the core of any industry is what constitutes the grassroots movement it's defined by. The domain industry is not an exception, and this is witnessed … [Read more...]

The never-ending ‘Squatter’ vs ‘Investor’ debate

Cybersquatter. These days the media reports seem to drop the "cyber" part; an apparent fallout with the writings of William Gibson and his "cyberpunk" novels. Squatters are, according to the popularization given to the term by various digital pulp media, anyone who decides to spend money on a … [Read more...]

A penny for your email thoughts

Receiving my first true "Internet email" 20 years ago, generated some odd waves - like opening gifts on Christmas day. Years prior, the use of similar email at college to communicate with European universities had nothing of the same effect; the late 80's were clearly focusing on a still unknown … [Read more...] ticket response breaks new ground

I do not respond to domain inquiries during the weekend. It's a personal choice, and it gives both myself and the potential buyer the opportunity to think things over for 48 hours or so. Obviously, weekends are also meant to be used as time to tone down from the weekly work load. In the past, … [Read more...]