Sedo should learn from the TSA and restrict high-risk domainers from bidding

As I traveled by airplane during the change of the year, I could not but notice how the rules of the traveling game have become stricter. After the incident with the Nigerian terrorist who attempted to blow up a Delta Airlines plane bound for Detroit, there is no more room for mistakes. TSA's new … [Read more...]

I’m taking the Snapnames rebate and here’s why …

The current argument over the Snapnames rebate seems to be that there is more than meets the eye in the recent Nelson "Halvarez" Brady scandal. Both victims and non-victims of the "Hank Alvarez" scam, which materialized while he was a VP of Engineering at Snapnames, seem to want a lot more beyond … [Read more...]

Did Halvarez act alone? Domainers deserve to know!

Now that the Snapnames auction history data is available as far back as 2004, the next question is: Did Nelson "halvarez" Brady act alone, both in the bidding alias sense and in the real wold sense? In other words, was "halvarez" the only Snapnames account used to jack up prices in auctions - and … [Read more...]

Time to compare notes on the Halvarez scandal

Acting under pressure from domain blogs, posts in forums and angry emails and phonecalls to support, Snapnames has re-instated access to the full domain auction history per account - going all the way back to 2004. So it's time to compare notes. After analyzing the data, Nelson "halvarez" … [Read more...]

The domain industry needs a whole lot more transparency

While everyone is awaiting the next wave of the Nelson "Halvarez" Brady tsunami to hit the domain shores, the lingering question is obvious: will there be more transparency in the future? Oversee is currently rushing to wrap up the Snapnames shill bidding scandal in a manner that does not instill … [Read more...]