GoDaddy two way authentication : Use it!

Now that GoDaddy has rolled out two way authentication internationally, there is no excuse not to use it. In 2014 and 2015, the proliferation of domain theft targeted GoDaddy customers in record numbers. One cannot blame it on anything else than the fact that in pure numbers, GoDaddy is the … [Read more...]

GoDaddy auctions : When the owner renews the domain

A lot of resources publish domain expiration lists and some are curated by hand. By using these resources, one then spends time identifying domains with a great potential, for development or resale at a later time. On the secondary market, I focus on aged, brandable com/net/org domains and … [Read more...]

GoDaddy pays fast

Three days ago I described my experience with the GoDaddy "Domain Buy Offer" service, outlining the process and how smoothly it went. As I prefer to offer the bulk of my domain portfolio via Domain Name Sales, I was skeptical initially. It all comes down to agreeing on a price, after all, and … [Read more...]

Domain Name Sales and GoDaddy: The best of both worlds

The majority of my domain portfolio is monetized and available for sale via Frank Schilling's Domain Name Sales platform. Most buyers type in a domain and end up on a page lander, which prompts them with a link to inquire further. Others might perform a WHOIS lookup and email me … [Read more...]

GoDaddy brokerage offers make little business sense

When someone looks up a domain through GoDaddy for availability and it's taken, they are presented with an option to make an offer to the domain's owner. GoDaddy emails the owner and indicates that one of their customers wants that particular domain name. The email does not disclose what the … [Read more...]