Ten things I brought home from NamesCon 2017

Late last year, I was not sure if I’d be attending NamesCon 2017, but I’m glad I did.

As we grow older, family obligations that were a cinch back in the day, become more complex to resolve; we put in more effort to take care of issues that arise, and it takes more time to do so.

But that’s life, after all, and NamesCon 2017 delivered more than it had promised, because it did so by utilizing the energy of its founder, Richard Lau, that of his co-founders and a team of hard working guys and girls.

If I were to outline the top 10 things I managed to personally gather from this year’s NamesCon, I’d list them as follows, in no particular order:

  • Resolved a couple of arguments that started online, with people I never met before. That type of closure made everyone happy. Life’s too short to bear grudges or to sustain feuds.
  • Established new connections with extremely talented, young(er) people that shocked me with their intelligence. They own the future, and I’m glad they appreciate my contribution to their path.
  • Encouraged new domain investors to experiment, to step outside of their comfort zone in order to pursuit rewards that don’t arrive unless risk is taken. Everyone should take chances in life.
  • Congratulated many newcomers in the domain industry, for their vision, and their new products. I gave honest feedback, and was able to confirm the uniqueness of their offerings and projects.
  • Received unexpected compliments, displays of gratitude, and many comforting words and gestures that taught me one thing: to pass on the same, to someone else in turn. Life’s about giving as much as one can.
  • Enjoyed the wide variety of ideas, plans, projects, and actions in an industry that came together to communicate, exchange and co-inspire. Finally the word “peer” resonates as an electric current heading to higher destinations in a blast.
  • Listened to suggestions, recommendations, feedback and criticism even, from people whose minds think differently than I do. It’s important to expand one’s vision, to accept as much knowledge as possible in order to improve oneself.
  • Witnessed people’s excitement over simple interactions, from quick conversations to analysis of business practices. I was able to share some “secrets” without compromising my unique strategy; to feel useful and appreciated at the same time.
  • Had plain good fun at the parties and after-party gatherings, shedding the domainer patina and simply becoming just another human mingling with the presence of many others.
  • Appreciated everyone’s time, sacrificed my priorities, gave to great causes and erased my selfishness to contribute to a bigger goal of team efforts.

Richard Lau, you’ve changed an entire industry and you’ve changed me, and for the latter I’ll be eternally grateful.

Big thanks to everyone who attended, and to their supportive families, who might – rightfully – think Vegas is one big party. Indeed it is, for different reasons to everyone.


  1. Thanks for sharing, love #1. 🙂

  2. Fairly big kudos you are conveying.

    Perhaps I’ll revisit NamesCon in 2018 . . but only if the best minds in the industry continue to attend. #justsayin

  3. DotbossDigital says

    Thanks for your warmth Theo, all of us in the booth were honoured.

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