Be a Daredevil Domainer

The news lately seem to follow a pattern with regards to human achievement: progressively younger people attempt things once reserved for experienced adults or individuals who were missing a ‘screw‘ or two from their head.

The era of daredevils is upon us.

A sixteen year old Australian girl circumnavigated the globe in a boat, alone. A guy from the UK, barely eighteen years old did the same. A thirteen year old boy from the US just climbed Mt. Everest, after having conquered Mt. Kilimanjaro at the age of nine.

In a few weeks, a man from Austria will attempt to free-fall from space, breaking the sound barrier. No, there will not be a spacecraft to ride into, just a heavily modified pressurized bodysuit.

It is clear that certain elements inside the human psyche are meant to push the limits of human success further and further, to achieve bigger and better things.

In everyday life, doing what’s been done before, what has been achieved before, what has been experienced before seems to be a sure path to death through boredom. Our 9 to 5 job days and our secure, reclusive lives are taking us along the same safe paths, with no new horizons to seek and no hidden treasures to go after.

In the world of domaining, we don’t stand out from the rest of the crowd unless we take chances, seek the opportunities; unless we dig into the core of events, unless we chase the unreachable, the seemingly unattainable.

All around us, exist opportunities that will take us to the Himalayas of Domaining, paths and routes and venues we never thought that they existed.

Once we step outside the box of conservative thinking, once we free ourselves from the limits set by fear – then we become free entrepreneurs of our own lives.

We become daredevil domainers and we take the future in our own hands.


  1. inspiring words.

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