Scammers at the parking lot; scammers online

As I was putting the groceries into the trunk of my car today, a nice looking lady in her mid 40's approached me. She was well-dressed, at least by Florida standards and considering the temperature was in the low 90's. I thought she wanted some sort of assistance, when she started with "Sir, sorry … [Read more...]

Sedo scammers take advantage of email predictability

It was in early 2000 when one of my few - back then - domains got hijacked by a Turkish hacker. He picked that particular domain because it's a very common Greek cussword, shared equally among our eastern neighbors. The domain was registered with Network Solutions, which offered back then an update … [Read more...]

iPhone Girl mania hits the web

Unless you've been under a rock for the past week, you're aware by now of a well-meant but unfortunate incident that left some test pictures taken at a Chinese factory inside the iPhone that was being tested. Nothing even closely provocative as Paris Hilton's drunk pictures; the 3 images are those … [Read more...] scrambles to patch data breach but concerns still remain

Less than 24 hours after introducing a series of features that exposed seller data to anyone with the will to acquire it and basic scraper-scripting skills, changed the way the "Meet the seller" link functions. In a dry and short statement issued on DNForum, Sedo's Customer Relations … [Read more...] introduces trapdoors to the domain selling floor

Yesterday, I ate lasagna for dinner. I bought two history books from Barnes & Noble. I applied for a home loan. I played Counter-Strike for the first time after two months. I shaved off my goatee. These are random, daily functions that pertain to me, the person. They are isolated incidents of … [Read more...]