Gazundering hits the domain market

Till now, I had no name for this abominable practice of lowering the price one is willing to pay for a domain, right after a verbal agreement is reached. After watching a CNN video about the British real estate market, I realized it already had a name: gazundering. According to everyone's … [Read more...]

Taxes & the Domain Man: Get a Certified Public Accountant by your side

One of the best decisions I ever made, was to entrust my tax processing to a professional. No, I am not talking about those colorful individuals from H&R Block. Surely, if you're in a hurry, as an individual with uncomplicated financial status and in no need of real savings, you can go with … [Read more...]

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Every year, at Christmas, I take a large plastic water-bottle full of pennies to the Salvation Army. It contains every penny that passed through my hands that year, which I have little use for at that time. Perhaps you'd be surprised to hear that $40 to $60 can fit in a one-gallon bottle. Little … [Read more...]

The Dark Face of Nazism:

A few years ago, I bought a "KKK" domain that was being sold at and gave it to an anti-hatred organization. The cost didn't matter; at stake was a URL with the potential of being misappropriated. A decade ago, the NAACP managed to get hold of the domain name to prevent it … [Read more...]

Gender-bending on the Internet: The Ballad of Stephanie & Bobby

Stephanie was in distress. The loss of her parents in an fiery car accident left her an orphan at a young age. She was raised by her paternal grandfather, whose chronic ailments brought on many bills she was struggling to assist with. At the young age of 20, she had already become a mother and a … [Read more...]