A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Every year, at Christmas, I take a large plastic water-bottle full of pennies to the Salvation Army.

It contains every penny that passed through my hands that year, which I have little use for at that time. Perhaps you’d be surprised to hear that $40 to $60 can fit in a one-gallon bottle. Little by little, every penny saved adds up to this gift – and that’s the method behind saving money for a later day.

On a given day, thousands of domains are registered around the world. The Registry keeps a large part of it for its functions, the rest is charged by the Registrar and perhaps the reseller that might be handling each domain. Imagine, if one penny went towards a specific causeevery single time a domain was registered – that’d be a really painless method of assuring everyone is contributing to that cause.

Global warming prevention? Cancer research? Waterworks in Africa? One penny per registration would amount to millions of dollars in donations, day after day after day.

Let’s make it happen. We can afford to donate that penny, the same way that we toss it down the plastic bottle thinking it will never amount to anything.


  1. The real problem is who will be handling those donations who will keep an eye on it etc ?

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