6200 reasons why Sedo kicks ass

In late 2009 I accepted an offer on Sedo for one of my domain names; a dictionary .net with several uses. The buyer was from a country in the Middle East and a newcomer to Sedo. After waiting patiently for payment for more than 30 days, it became obvious that the buyer would not fulfill their … [Read more...]

My domain valuation methodology: Part 2 – As a Seller

When pricing domain names for sale, the old rule of "buy low, sell high" applies. So if you start off with a low acquisition cost, or even hand-registered a domain name, anything above that cost should be considered a fair selling price, right? Wrong. Allow me to explain why I don't share … [Read more...]

My domain valuation methodology: Part 1 – As a Buyer

I've no recollection of my first domain purchase but it probably happened on eBay, more than ten years ago. Back in those days, eBay held a higher reputation than today, even with non-tangible goods such as domain names. Since then, my domain acquisitions diversified and I've completely … [Read more...]

Playing the ‘Final Offer’ card on Sedo

As a domain seller, I'm always looking to maximize my ROI; Sedo's platform offers some room for negotiation. However, the use of the pre-selected options is rather minimal and some are rather useless. For example, "Please justify your asking price" sounds like a time-wasting response. There is … [Read more...]

Thank you, Sedo

If I could share my appreciation over a single business for 2010, that would be Sedo. My relationship with the PPC provider started in 2004 and I must admit it started a couple of years late. Until then, parking my domains was something that I wasn't considering. I lost several thousand dollars … [Read more...]