False claims : We used to own this domain name

Recently, I've experienced an increase in a new type of claim when receiving domain inquiries. The other party states that they owned the domain name in the past, but they somehow lost access to it. In the cases I'm referring to, the claims are outright false. As I hold domain names long … [Read more...]

Domain buyer wisdom : You’ve had your chance, and you blew it

We're right in the heart of summer, and it's probably the slowest part of the year. During these summer doldrums, as Elliot calls it, it's good to expand on one's domain selling channels, and I'm currently using Uniregistry brokerage. The capable guys and gals at Uniregistry are going through … [Read more...]

Domain inquiries : Increase in proxy offers from Latin America

Using a proxy buyer in an attempt to acquire valuable domains isn't exactly news. By utilizing a third party to negotiate the acquisition of a domain name, the actual buyer can save thousands of dollars. Not having to disclose the identity and true budget of the buyer, a good domain can be sold … [Read more...]

Kate Spade : When your name is your personal brand

The untimely demise of fashion designer, Kate Spade, serves as a reminder about personal success and the intricacies of personal life; never take either one for granted. Kate Spade's entrepreneurial acumen helped pave the way for many other women and men, to "go solo" against the establishment of … [Read more...]


Welcome to the brave new domaining world, devoid of actual WHOIS information. The GDPR is officially the most damaging bureaucratic concoction ever created about digital information, effectively dividing the Internet into two large zones: one available to Eurozone members, and one that can be … [Read more...]