Domain offers : Europeans, commas and periods in quotes

For more than 25 years I was raised, educated and trained to use the metric system, that French invention that uses meters, kilograms and the centigrade scale. For the past 20 years or so, I've adapted - for the most part - to the imperial system here in the US. I still feel more comfortable … [Read more...]

Domain inquiries that shun their country’s ccTLD

When receiving a domain inquiry, there are three important elements to help you identify your potential buyer: Their name The email Their IP / locale Assuming that the inquiry maker does not attempt to mask who they are - in which case, you'd have to extract that information - by using … [Read more...]

Domain security : All registrars should implement this feature by 101Domain

When it comes down to securing your domain names, one method is not enough. Domain theft is rampant, and the current structure of the reclaiming process puts the onus on the victim. In other words, it's best not to have to deal with a domain theft incident to begin with. Two factor … [Read more...]

Doubling your asking price : Not a threat, a promise

During the past two years, the introduction of numerous gTLDs rejuvenated the domain industry and the domain aftermarket. Domain sales have sustained a high volume and average sales price, indicating a healthy secondary market for domain names. Naturally, the value of .com, .net and .org … [Read more...]

Domain inquiries : The two-spear attack and how to win it

Having closed on yet another five figure domain sale, I'm confident with discussing an incoming inquiry strategy, and how to win it. The "two-spear attack" is an attempt to get a domain, facilitated by the same party by submitting two offers of varied size. It can most definitely be extended … [Read more...]