There are probably several billion reasons to use a captcha on a form; as many as the amount of spam one is in danger of receiving. The "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart" works well when the characters are straightforward letters or numbers that must be … [Read more...]
Don’t park your domains if they’re listed at NameJet
Last month, Shane Cultra of posted a report about how Sedo temporarily closed his account due to suspicious traffic activity. The culprit turned out to be domains that he had listed for sale on NameJet but which were still parked at Sedo. Something systematically clicked on these … [Read more...]
A short list of Domain Scum
A post by Elliot Silver yesterday raised again the issue of unscrupulous and unethical practices in domaining. As I've said in the past, various new-comers, shooting stars or even seasoned domainers engage in unethical games for profit. While I agree that it's a "dog eat dog" world out there, … [Read more...]
Ten points for
Everyone has their registrar of choice and prefers to register their domains with them. For the purpose of organizing one's domains, it's prudent to keep your domain names with as fewer registrars as possible. is not my choice of registrar, although it belongs to the first group … [Read more...]
Defining the sweet spot when buying domains
As a domain investor I follow a simple mantra: buy low, sell high. The question is, what exactly is that "low" that will eventually determine the "high" price and how does one determine that? When evaluating the potential of a domain to be acquired, I consider its TLD, keyword, age, positive … [Read more...]
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