Time and Money: Don’t be an asshat domainer

My advice is often free: I choose when to deliver it and I choose how to dish it out. It's often in the style and utilizing the type of humor that characterizes me since a young age. I am the way I am and nobody will change that. When you ask for my advice, particularly when it's given for … [Read more...]

Sacrebleu! Why no nomination for Domaining.com at TRAFFIC?

For several years, the TRAFFIC ballot has been a method of gauging popularity of blogs, venues and businesses of the domain industry. Without getting on the popular game of ego-clashing, I have one simple question to ask: Why is Domaining.com being left out? The single most important herald of … [Read more...]

My domain valuation methodology: Part 1 – As a Buyer

I've no recollection of my first domain purchase but it probably happened on eBay, more than ten years ago. Back in those days, eBay held a higher reputation than today, even with non-tangible goods such as domain names. Since then, my domain acquisitions diversified and I've completely … [Read more...]

Things I’ve learned from other domainers

While I achieved my first domain sale in early 2000, I didn't register domains with the intent to sell until a year later. In 2002 I joined the WebHostingTalk community, and after that DNForum. Since my early days of interacting with other domainers I've learned a few things, for which I'm … [Read more...]

Fixed price listings at Sedo: It doesn’t work for me

By using the Sedo marketplace as a seller, I'm always after maximizing my sales revenue. The recent announcement by Sedo that fixed price listings will enjoy the old 10% fee is not an incentive for me to switch over from "make an offer" listings for my domain portfolio. Perhaps if Sedo lowered … [Read more...]