When computer technology advances, I don't simply move on. I'm known for keeping old, functioning computer gear for years. In the case of my original laptop - a 2004 Compaq I'll affectionately call "The Brick" - the gear itself hasn't quite gone out of fashion. I recently doubled its RAM to 2 Gb … [Read more...]
Unethical tax measure thrown out of the window
Just four days ago I wrote about how a controversial new indirect taxation would affect thousands of .GR domains and their cash-starved operators; most of them Greek entrepreneurs operating portals, news web sites and forums. That indirect taxation - called "aggeliosimo" - was meant to be an … [Read more...]
Greek Government kills Entrepreneurship under the .GR TLD
What is worse than having inept leaders? To answer that question, one has to take a look at the number of anti-social measures stacked together onto a gigantic law up for vote this coming week at the Greek parliament. Hit by a ballooning debt that was inflated by financial games played upon … [Read more...]
Would have, could have, should have: The wrong mentality in domaining
The Lotto numbers came up and they matched yours, only problem is you didn't play them. Ten years ago you could still buy generic domains at a fraction of the cost that they sold recently. Too bad you had no idea and no cash back then. Two weeks ago you had a brilliant project idea that you … [Read more...]
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