Validate your domain registrations with LinkedIn

I use LinkedIn – the network of professionals – to keep in touch with people I worked with in the past, present and those that I would like to work with in the future.

I also use it for a different purpose altogether: to gauge or ‘validate’ domain registrations.

Often, I peruse domain lists of available domains; some of which I generate from old corporate data. There are hundreds, if not thousands of corporations that ended their lifecycle; the domains often expire and drop.

That’s where LinkedIn comes to play. A lot of those corporate entities are still semi-active, at former employee level. They often form communities, sometimes they reminisce about ‘the good old days’ and thus provide me with valuable information prior to committing my selections of domains to register.

So next time you come across an available domain, or when you ponder about how much to spend on one that’s on sale, try a search on LinkedIn first.

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