As disaster strikes Haiti, two major generics are being wasted

The devastation from the earthquake that hit Haiti cannot yet be assessed; some fear that 50,000 people might be dead and thousands more injured.

In today’s interconnected world, with each natural or man-made catastrophe the descriptive terms are the first ones to be searched on the Internet; currently people all over the world are interested in finding out what is going on in Haiti and would like to make donations.

However, is being used as a tourism portal to the Caribbean, as it forwards to the domain The bright colors of the web page are in stark contrast with the grim situation in Haiti, where buildings lay in rubble and blood-drenched corpses are being brought out from under the debris.

In a similar fashion, and its co-owned do not resolve at all. Owned by some corporation based in Switzerland, both generics would play a major role in directing traffic en masse to temporary portals created for the particular devastation.

Unfortunately, the opposite happens currently, as opportunists have already registered domain names related to the earthquake that hit Haiti and are listing them on various venues, including eBay and Sedo.

These are not noble attempts to direct donations but an attempt to collect – or, extort – money from organizations that exist or would be formed in order to rebuild Haiti.

Essentially, the only place to donate through which guarantees an efficient processing of the donations, is the Red Cross. And please note, that’s at as the .com – owned by the Red Cross – ironically appears to be down.


  1. Pretty sad that is down. A LOT of traffic that could help is wasted. And people will search Google and find Red Cross website and will AGAIN learn that direct navigation sucks and Google rocks..

  2. is now actually used as an Haiti aid portal.

  3. Robert – great to see that. Are you affiliated with ? If so, smart move.

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