Don’t be afraid of the blank sheets : The fear of the blank canvas

A blank sheet of paper, or an empty screen can be very intimidating to an artist or any creative person. Its emptiness is something unsettling and lacking direction. This initial fear of the empty canvas can become chronic, leading to the much dreaded writer's block. To overcome this … [Read more...]

Weed and feed your domains

Spent most of Saturday doing yard work; facing a particularly persistent weed - not the dollar weed type - I wasn't familiar with. Would have loved to seek the assistance of Shane Cultra, who's been in the plant and nursery business for decades, but unfortunately he's made himself unavailable to … [Read more...]

The beauty of having multiple options

Having options means you can accomplish things faster, and more efficiently - as long as you're willing to make decisions. When the road ahead is a single route, you are constrained by the definition of that road; its bumps or twists determine your only navigation of it and the speed of your … [Read more...]

Are you on vacation?

Those of us that utilize Domain Name Sales brokers, often speak with amazement about their effectiveness to reach out and complete domain sales on our behalf. Each DNS broker has their own distinct style in responding, and adjusts it according to the inquiry's particulars. I keep a close watch … [Read more...]

Thoughts on the Radio Shack domain list and auction

After all these years, Radio Shack is being liquidated. The auction for the Radio Shack portfolio of domain names is being handled by Hilco Streambank; the domain list includes 296 domain names. For a potential brand buyer, the domains related to the Radio Shack name are definitely part of the … [Read more...]