How to turn an unsuccessful domain sale to your benefit

On a given day of the week, I receive numerous inquiries for domains in my portfolio, even on weekends; the needs of people and companies for a domain representing their brand never stops. Not every inquiry turns into a sale, and conversion rates fluctuate during the year, depending on various … [Read more...]

Numbers and figures : The psychology of domain bidding

Bidding on domain names in public - or private - auctions, is a process that requires certain elements to be present, as part of a successful strategy. To begin with, domains that are promoted extensively or prominently, most often don't fall in the "great deal" category. They are simply chosen … [Read more...]

The beauty of having multiple options

Having options means you can accomplish things faster, and more efficiently - as long as you're willing to make decisions. When the road ahead is a single route, you are constrained by the definition of that road; its bumps or twists determine your only navigation of it and the speed of your … [Read more...]

Thoughts on the Radio Shack domain list and auction

After all these years, Radio Shack is being liquidated. The auction for the Radio Shack portfolio of domain names is being handled by Hilco Streambank; the domain list includes 296 domain names. For a potential brand buyer, the domains related to the Radio Shack name are definitely part of the … [Read more...]

Using the domain BIN is not the only option

Expressing one's interest in a domain name is a combination of timing, price and knowing basic negotiation tactics. Those who own valuable domain assets aren't too happy when lowball offers arrive, but establishing a valid interest by making a respectable offer is always a good start. If the … [Read more...]