Domain comps : Of little importance to end user buyers

Domainers love "comps" - the comparative sales numbers that help many price, and sell, their domain names. Most savvy domain investors have a good grasp of how to price their domains, and using comps is often utilized when flipping domains. If you want to sell to end-user buyers, however, the … [Read more...]

First experience : Using the Domain Concierge service for domain transactions

As an customer for the past 15 years, I've been using its services exclusively for the acquisition and sale of domain names. Exactly a year ago, launched its Domain Concierge service, soon after NamesCon 2016. I've just completed my first transaction using the … [Read more...] vs. Sedo : A domain escrow timeline

For the past 14 years, I've been using to safely transact in domain name investing. Acquiring and selling domains requires a trusted medium, and I've raved about the services of While is a sponsor of many domain industry publications, including one of my own, … [Read more...]

Do not rush to agree to a domain sale

As a long-term holder of domain assets I'm not in a particular rush to sell my domains to the first offer that arrives. Offers come and go, and for the most part domains appreciate in value with time. Even when a reasonable offer is made, it should be the right offer for a particular domain in … [Read more...]

Domain sales : Push the right buttons of your potential buyer

To convert a domain inquiry into a sale, there are certain key elements that must be taken care of. It's not just a matter of pricing the domain right, and in accordance to market conditions. Many inquiries lead nowhere, at least temporarily, simply because the buyer is unwilling to make such … [Read more...]