Domainers love "comps" - the comparative sales numbers that help many price, and sell, their domain names. Most savvy domain investors have a good grasp of how to price their domains, and using comps is often utilized when flipping domains. If you want to sell to end-user buyers, however, the … [Read more...]
Domain negotiations : Don’t compete against yourself
Quite often, domain inquiries kick-start the negotiation process, when the price quoted isn't within the buyer's budget. One thing to remember, after that initial price quote, is this: Do not compete against your own quote. The practice is common: the other party indicates the price quoted for … [Read more...]
Time to get out of the domainer village
Nine years ago I attended TRAFFIC 2008 in Orlando; the event was great, and I was able to finally meet people I only knew online until then. As a web and graphics developer, I felt that there was one thing missing, and that was the ability to see how my services intersected the needs of other … [Read more...]
Things I learned from my 9 years as a “domain blogger”
When I started as a domainer's blog in 2008, little did I know it'd continue for this long. Producing creative content predates my early domain blogger days by almost two decades, as a journalist for computer and subsequently Internet industry publications. Blogging, however, is an … [Read more...]
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