As if domainer spammers were not enough, domain registrars peddling new, exotic gTLDs are becoming more brazen in their approach. With several hundred new gTLDs currently live, some registrars blindly send out announcements about the availability of extensions without any apparent opt-in or … [Read more...]
Premium gTLD domain transfers require manual intervention at eNom
I've been using eNom for more than a decade and maintain a portion of my domain portfolio there. When it comes down to gTLD pricing, particularly for Donuts, Inc. domains, eNom appears to offer the lowest prices, along with great domain management features. With some early gTLDs less than 90 … [Read more...]
How I sold a domain I didn’t plan to sell
As the old saying goes, "everything has a price tag", and while I generally agree, not everything needs to display that tag prominently. Investing in domain names doesn't always come with the purpose to resell. Even long term investments can change into becoming selling opportunities, despite the … [Read more...]
When you inquire about a domain, don’t pitch your own
It's common sense: When I go to a store to buy a product, I don't turn around at the checkout to sell my services instead of paying for the item. This exact, unprofessional behavior applies to domain name inquiries as well. A person who introduced himself as a domain investor from India, … [Read more...]
The Internet, 20 years later: Party like it’s 1994
Around this time this week, twenty years ago, I connected to the "real Internet", using a borrowed 9,600 bps modem. There is one word to describe the experience: Slow. It wasn't just the already obsolete modem's speed, but also the national pipeline's available bandwidth, a T1 pipe to Pipex UK … [Read more...]
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