A penny for your email thoughts

Receiving my first true "Internet email" 20 years ago, generated some odd waves - like opening gifts on Christmas day. Years prior, the use of similar email at college to communicate with European universities had nothing of the same effect; the late 80's were clearly focusing on a still unknown … [Read more...]

No .domains for me

Dot .domains enters general availability in two days. I have not registered any domains in that gTLD and won't be doing so. The reason is simple: unless your business name ends in "domains", or you are in the direct domain brokerage business, this particular gTLD is more of an "inner circle" … [Read more...]

Domain volatility index: Bitcoins or gTLDs?

The media attention given to Bitcoin, as opposed to the new extensions of the Internet name space, is severely disproportionate. Never before in the history of gaming was 'Monopoly' money more popular; bitcoin has been used to buy homes, cars and even domain names - all without a backing … [Read more...]

The time is now, to thrive or flatline: Domain investment strategies for your business

I don't sugar-coat things, and I don't plan to change the rules of engagement now. If you haven't started exploring the repercussions of the new Internet name space expansion for your business, better find a quiet place to flatline. Don't like that brutal image of your eventual business death? … [Read more...]

A few words with Duane Forrester of Bing during NamesCon

I shall be referring to Duane Forrester, manager of Bing's webmaster tools, as a young Steve Ballmer - and that's a compliment. Not just because I'm a long term fan of corporate giant Microsoft, but because he's as energetic on stage as the outgoing Microsoft CEO. He's also funnier, and unlike … [Read more...]