Can you feel the electricity in the air? There's a revolution brewing. It's the lingering smell of ozone, right before a powerful storm erupts. It's about time to bring the end-users to the domain conferences. It's about time to change the rules of the game by altering the long-standing … [Read more...] delivers fast-paced gaming action with one finger
There's a new gaming application for the iPhone called Canabalt. The great news is, that you can download it from the Apple store for just $2.99 - or play the online version for free on the web at The game features multi-level parallax scrolling action, miniature but detailed graphic … [Read more...]
The Domain Adventures of Tobby in Domainland – Part 1: The Piranha Pool
Tobby visited for the latest news about the industry. Keeping an eye on his stream of twitter messages, he started typing up the summaries on his blog, that more or less read like this: " sold for $500k on Febo - what a bargain for the 3rd buyer in a row … [Read more...]
The New Era of Domaining: Going Stealth
Recently I've been reading a lot of "doom and gloom" posts - the equivalent of "the sky is falling". If it's not PPC declining, it's the tm holders over-reaching - the new trend seems to be filing a UDRP with little supporting data. Furthermore, the overall state of the economy appears to include … [Read more...]
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