The Uniregistry registrar is alive and kicking

One of the reasons I moved my domain names to Uniregistry several years ago, is their knowledgeable support department. Uniregistry is now a GoDaddy company, and great days are looming ahead … [Continue reading]

Maximize your domain capital thanks to the new federal tax filing deadline

Domain investors, like millions of other professionals in the US and around the globe, are adjusting to the Coronavirus pandemic. The economy is taking a hit, but it's not the end of the road. … [Continue reading]

How Sedo, SnapNames, and Afternic helped me sell a domain name twice

This article is about how Sedo, SnapNames, and Afternic, helped me sell a domain name twice over the course of a decade, for several thousand dollars in total. During this Coronavirus pandemic, … [Continue reading]

Five important things to follow up on after you score a domain name sale

Congratulations. You just sold a domain name, and now it's time to rest on your laurels and forget about it all—right? Wrong. Selling a domain name isn't the end—it's the beginning of a grand … [Continue reading]

A “thank you” note goes a long way

There are many ways to show gratitude to others, and share your appreciation with them. In the case of strangers that never made it into each other's life, a "thank you" note goes a long way. A … [Continue reading]