Domain price quote is good for today only

Domain inquiries can lead to an exchange that indicates strong interest by the buyer. When strong interest is present, what's missing from the exchange is an agreement on the framework of the … [Continue reading]

Hold onto that domain – until it’s time to sell it

Registering domains as an investment means one thing: you should be prepared to hold onto your assets long term. The definition of "long term" depends on the exact domain assets you are holding … [Continue reading] : A domain from 1989 that you can own right now!

When I acquired a decade ago, it was already pushing past puberty. Registered in 1989, this remarkably aged domain name represents an era that predates both the commercial Internet, … [Continue reading]

Domain names : The dot .com economy then and now

In February 1997, I registered my first domain name. It cost me $100 dollars for two years, and the registration took place through the only available registrar at the time, Network Solutions. As I … [Continue reading]

There are other “domain suffixes” that you can use

Creating a successful brand is a combination of wisely naming your product and services, and choosing one or more appropriate domain names. IP attorney, Erik Pelton, summarized the process very … [Continue reading]