Domain auctions : If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again

As an active domain investor, I maximize my domain portfolio's potential by offering it on select domain auction venues. In recent months, a small, hand-curated group of domains has been auctioned … [Continue reading]

From Snapchat to Snap : Not a great rebranding idea

The recent rebranding of Snapchat to Snap, and the assorted "upgrade" of the corporate domain to, generated positive commentary in the domain community. Going from to … [Continue reading] vs. Sedo : A domain escrow timeline

For the past 14 years, I've been using to safely transact in domain name investing. Acquiring and selling domains requires a trusted medium, and I've raved about the services of … [Continue reading]

The scent of freedom

I grew up at a time and era when riding a bike exemplified the ultimate freedom. In those childhood years, not every kid had a bicycle, and we often borrowed  someone else's for a few laps around … [Continue reading]

Do not rush to agree to a domain sale

As a long-term holder of domain assets I'm not in a particular rush to sell my domains to the first offer that arrives. Offers come and go, and for the most part domains appreciate in value with … [Continue reading]