The Religious buyer: Missed that domain type, Shane

A few days ago, Shane posted a list of "buyer types" that irritate domain investors, which can be classified into one of the following five categories, based on their claims and behavior: Poor students Generous husbands Angry men Spammers Lowballers Today, I discovered a new … [Read more...]

Usain Bolt and the scores killed in Syria

I'm always intrigued by the editorial choices of CNN for its International portal. Covering the Olympics occupies the right half of the screen; covering the massacre in Aleppo and other Syrian cities takes over the left part of the page's layout. In the times that the ancient Greeks competed … [Read more...]

Domain auctions: Transparency is a must

As an active bidder on NameJet since 2007, I've converted many such acquisitions into sizable sales. My strategy of holding long pays off; the auctions can run into the low thousands but the expected ROI crosses the five digit threshold when they are sold. One thing I am peculiar about, is … [Read more...]

Don’t be a domainer ass!

We all have pet peeves; some are personal, others are related to one's professional behavior towards other professionals. The issue of courtesy response - or lack thereof - is one of my pet peeves. When someone solicits domain offers by inviting emails or private messages, it's considered … [Read more...]

Why I oppose the .Patagonia gTLD application

CircleID posted earlier today about the "Do's and Dont's of commenting on new gTLD applications". Apparently, there is a lot of abuse of the system, to the point of spamming the platform that ICANN utilizes in order to poll the public opinion and solicit comments. While the system lacks a few … [Read more...]