To claim the "developer" title in the domaining industry, one needs to be able to successfully perform a certain range of tasks. A developer creates their own content, programs their relational database and codes scripts. A developer designs their own templates, layouts, web sites or modifies … [Read more...]
Time to change your Domainer Homepage
The speediest method to display a useful web site upon browsing, is the launch of a homepage every time your browser starts. I'm a news junkie so my choice is usually CNN or MSNBC - other times I switch over to TechCrunch. As a domainer though, there is one page that you need to bring up most … [Read more...]
Enom no more
Using eNom as a registrar these days is a leftover from around 2002; that's when I acquired a reseller account and managed to keep my domain renewal costs low. An incident that occurred on Sunday made me change my strategy with regards to eNom; instead of keeping my remaining domains there - … [Read more...]
Text plus clipart does not equal a logo
I hear this all the time: I need a cheap logo. "How cheap" is only the beginning of the argument. The real question should be, does the client want a logo or some stylized text plus clipart? These two things are different. A logo must convey a message through a combination of symbols, … [Read more...]
The single Best Thing about GoDaddy
We all have our preferred domain registrars and sometimes we even change our preference, depending on customer experience. GoDaddy is the registrar that I used in 2000, once the dreaded Network Solutions monopoly was broken by a handful of registrars. Back then, they were lightweight and offered … [Read more...]
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