Can someone else add your “for sale” domain on is a domain marketplace that in recent years propelled itself onto the top list of favorite platforms for domain investors. Domain sellers and buyers engage through its well-planned interface and exchange process of funds/domain, making the process a cinch. After testing the … [Read more...]

GoDaddy appraisals an obstacle for domain sellers

Recently, I closed my first sale on the platform. In recent months I've been transferring in bulk my domain names away from the Uni Market, simply because the platform's association with GoDaddy creates a slew of problems. Don't get me wrong; the platform created by Frank Schilling's … [Read more...]

Are we on the same page?

Part of the domain investing game is waiting for inbound inquiries. Also known as "the waiting game," this is the part that often challenges a domainer's patience. Having sold domains I held for almost two decades, waiting on offers can become exhaustive. At some point, a re-assessment of one's … [Read more...]

DAN 3.0 is coming so here’s a handy tip for your domain selling settings

In recent months I've been using, formerly known as Undeveloped, as a domain marketplace alongside the Uni Market. As a long haul beta tester and user of the Uniregistry platform, I am always looking for ways to "fail" the DAN platform, mostly by accident and sometimes … [Read more...]

No idea who bought another “meta” domain from me

This is the 3rd post in a row about "meta" domains and that's a good indication about the increased interest in the keyword, and Metaverse domains in general. A couple of weeks after my last story about "meta" domains that I registered or acquired years ago, I completed one more domain sale. The … [Read more...]