No idea who bought another “meta” domain from me

This is the 3rd post in a row about "meta" domains and that's a good indication about the increased interest in the keyword, and Metaverse domains in general. A couple of weeks after my last story … [Continue reading]

My “meta” domains were registered years ago

Facebook rebranded its umbrella company as Meta, moving away from strictly social media and marketing and onto a more complex company. Brands in the US but also globally tend to be short vs. long … [Continue reading]

Meta meaning: How to use “meta” correctly with domains and words

Domains that begin with "meta" are extremely popular currently; the Greek prefix is very easy to pronounce and write, for a change. Using letters that are common between the Greek and Latin … [Continue reading] LLN and LNN domain availability lists

Two decades ago I was busy hand-registering domains from droplists provided by DomainsBot, an excellent daily email service. The rush for daily drops was competitive among those targeting … [Continue reading]

Domain inquiries: “I have cheaper alternatives”

Would you walk into a car dealership with a cocky attitude? Probably not. In most cases, when someone wants to buy a car they take a look at the sticker price and state their intentions to the … [Continue reading]