Cryptocurrency trading : Not for those with a weak stomach

Trading cryptocurrency, or "crypto" as the term has been reduced to, can be an exciting experience. The proliferation of Bitcoin as a vessel of wealth might have surprised many, as it was designed to facilitate transactions. Its worldwide adoption as "coinage" is still very much lacking, all … [Read more...]

Got overpaid at

As a happy customer of for the past 15 years, I can only say that they always strive to improve their services. In the rare occasion that I faced an issue, support and management jumped in to resolve it to my satisfaction. And throughout this 15-year tenure, they offered … [Read more...]

Kudos to for salvaging a domain sale on my behalf

I can't thank enough for salvaging a domain sale for me, recently. It all started with an agreed upon sale via the Uniregistry Market. The domain, a single word .ORG, was sold to a Chinese buyer who then disappeared once I started escrow. Communications via the Uniregistry messaging … [Read more...]

Five years at Uniregistry : “Dick move” examples when negotiating on a domain

Since November 2012, I've been using the Uniregistry Market to monetize and sell my domain portfolio. When I joined the parking and selling platform, it was called Domain Name Sales. Whether I sell directly, or opt to utilize the capable brokers at Uniregistry, depends on several … [Read more...]

Solution : How to disable intrusive ads on Skype in one easy step

Skype has been my video software of choice for many years. I use it to communicate with family, friends, and professional contacts. When it comes down to using Skype, a Microsoft product embedded in Windows, it's an effective tool for day to day business, including staying up to date with fellow … [Read more...]