On a given day of the week, I receive numerous inquiries for domains in my portfolio, even on weekends; the needs of people and companies for a domain representing their brand never stops. Not every inquiry turns into a sale, and conversion rates fluctuate during the year, depending on various … [Read more...]
Pickles and Dicks : Flippa hump day special
I almost bid on Shane Cultra's domain auction of BigPickle.com earlier today; but I got distracted by some late evening BBQ'ing. It's a great brandable domain, and I just might have a potential buyer for Shane - if only he picked up the phone to return my calls. Making $6k versus $600 should be a … [Read more...]
Are you on vacation?
Those of us that utilize Domain Name Sales brokers, often speak with amazement about their effectiveness to reach out and complete domain sales on our behalf. Each DNS broker has their own distinct style in responding, and adjusts it according to the inquiry's particulars. I keep a close watch … [Read more...]
Using the domain BIN is not the only option
Expressing one's interest in a domain name is a combination of timing, price and knowing basic negotiation tactics. Those who own valuable domain assets aren't too happy when lowball offers arrive, but establishing a valid interest by making a respectable offer is always a good start. If the … [Read more...]
NamesCon 2015 – The domain industry’s renaissance event
In 2014, NamesCon quietly entered the domain conference arena, with a clear indication of its intentions: to deliver a meaningful, educating conference of substance for domain industry professionals. By carefully planning this year's event, Richard Lau and his trusted team of hard-working … [Read more...]
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